10 Ways to Support a New Mom

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Becoming a mom is difficult. Women are at increased risk for depression and anxiety
during this vulnerable and exciting time.
Use these 10 tips to lend support and help her have a healthy transition into motherhood.

1. ENCOURAGE her to share her feelings and listen without judgment. Be careful not to dismiss frustrations and offer to help find solutions. Reassure her that she is not alone.

2. ASK open-ended questions. What has surprised you the most? When is the toughest part of your day? What’s been the most difficult change? How can I help? Let her talk...

3. BRING healthy meals for her family or help with household chores without being asked. New moms can feel overwhelmed and obligated to maintain their home life while caring for a new baby.

4. ATTEND a new mommy group with her. Help her identify other opportunities to connect with local moms to build her support network.

5. GIVE her a chance to nap. All moms need rest. Tell her you’ll watch the baby between feedings, keep the house quiet, and let her sleep for a couple of hours.

6. JUGGLE the other kids to give her a break. Offer to take them to school, watch them one weekend or just spend some time keeping them busy with fun activities at home.

7. FORM a walking group with other moms in your area, or join one that already exists. Encourage her to exercise, get fresh air and take time for herself.

8. INTRODUCE her to tools to calm a crying baby. Sleep is essential, especially for new moms. Tell her about The Happiest Baby on the Block, a technique to soothe a baby and help the whole family sleep better.

9. LEAVE her alone. Encourage her to get out of the house to have her hair done, get a pedicure, or grab a cup of coffee. Taking a break for just one hour can help new moms refresh their energy and start to feel like their ‘old self’ again.

10. AVOID being critical. Focus on supporting her, instead of instructing her. Be positive about her accomplishments no matter how small - sometimes, just taking a shower or folding the laundry merit praise!

read more:2020mom.org 

Photo by Zach Lucero on Unsplash
